Meet the Maker: Bonne Maison Socks

Posted by Jodi Dugan on

When thinking about starting Socks by Chloe, I wanted to focus on women’s socks, but not just any women’s socks. I was searching for socks that said something. I felt connected to socks that were more or less, ‘statement socks’.

In the USA, I don’t feel that socks are a focus for women when they are building an outfit. But, what if you could be exposed to socks that truly make you go, “wow”!

I was searching for socks with style, artistry, beauty and delightful design. This is why I have decided to carry the wonderful French sock company called “Bonne Maison” which means, “Good House”.

They made me go, “WOW, HOLY SMOKES”! We’ve gotta have these lovely socks in our store. So unique! So fresh! So after receiving my first order in person, I saw just how artisan, whimsical and unique these socks truly are. I am so glad I get to carry these at Socks by Chloe. 

 Here is a brief Q + A from Bonne Maison.


1)     What inspired you to start a sock business?

A very inspiring tiny space to surprise people, and missing very thin patterned socks on the market.

2)     Were you in fashion retail before Bonne Maison?

No, never.

3)     What is your favorite thing about your job and your company?

Giving joy to people when they put on their Bonne Maison socks in the morning.

4)     What has been your most popular, most sold, sock?

“Le baiser”, the kiss , with white and black profile on each side kissing red lips.

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5)     What continues to inspire you each new season that passes by?

Mostly inspired by art, architecture, image, it all starts with a mix of color that I like, you can find my inspirations on the Instagram account of the brand.

6)     What did you want to be/study/pursue when you were growing up?

I did not really know, but always had my nose in my Grand-mother’s closet looking at beautiful silk samples and embroideries …

7)     How large is your team in France?

4 people full time , 4 part-time!

8)     What are you long-term hopes for Bonne Maison?

Develop new products like tights and may be some more, we are thinking about that question.

9)     Any advice for small business owners?

Be yourself, do not try to please everyone, and be happy with what you do.


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I find her sentiment “just be yourself”, a powerful piece of advice. How often do we create things just to mimic others, to feel safe or to just fit in? Or, we wait until we are given permission to totally be who we are. The reality is, is that no one can really be you and offer your unique gifts and talents to the world! I love that Bonne Maison holds nothing back in terms of their creative process. Make sure to check out there instagram account. 




Socks by Chloe


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